圣达菲 可持续性
Tucked into the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, St. 约翰的 College 圣达菲 sits 7,300 feet above sea level on 250 acres in the most beautiful part of 圣达菲, 新墨西哥, the country’s oldest capital city. Surrounded by hiking trails 和 a majestic l和scape, the 圣达菲 campus brings Rocky Mountain living quite literally to our doorsteps. 我们也是一个高沙漠社区,因此我们敏锐地意识到我们的沙漠资源是多么珍贵,我们非常高效和谨慎地利用它们. We do this through our long-st和ing water conservation, 绿色建筑, 和 dryl和 permaculture practices, 和 through our multimillion dollar, donor-funded solar energy projects launched in 2023.
Learn how solar energy meets 100% of our campus’s electricity needs.
太阳能部署是学院承诺投资建设可持续校园的一部分. 1,670块面板通过逆变器连接到电网,使它们能够与PNM(新墨西哥州公共服务)合作。. 在晴朗的日子里, 这些电池板满足了学院100%的需求,并为电网提供了多余的能源. Power is then sent back to St. 约翰的 at night 和 on cloudy days—in effect using PNM as a giant battery.
- Solar System Size: 677 kilowatts (kW) DC or 544 kW AC
- Anticipated Annual Electric Output in Year 1: 1,210,499 kilowatts per hour (kW/h)
- 减少温室气体:相当于减少858公吨二氧化碳
- 此外,在4个停车场设有20个电动汽车充电站.
这个项目之所以成为可能,是因为2019届的一份礼物,为全校范围的能源审计铺平了道路, followed by an anonymous donor who stepped up to fund the cost of installation.
With this project, the college reduces its CO2 emissions by 858 metric tons. This is equivalent to:
- 96,530 gallons of gasoline
- 167 homes’ electricity use for one year
- 104,352,291 smartphone charges
该学院还将100%的照明设备换成了发光二极管(LED)技术. 除了, the college updated electrical systems in Evans Science Laboratory, Pritzker Student Center, 圣达菲大厅, 和 the Fine 艺术 Building (FAB), 和 it also installed high-efficiency boilers at FAB, 魏盖尔大厅, 和Meem图书馆. These efforts provide annual electricity savings of more than 358,000 kW/h 和 dollar savings of $55,000元/年. 因此,学院对节能和太阳能的承诺节省了100多美元,每年000.
电动车队 & 充电站
我们的电动车队 & charging stations help our community reduce its carbon footprint.
By 2027, the campus will move to an all-electric vehicle fleet, 哪一种将从我们的充电站获得电力,哪一种将从我们的太阳能屋顶获得电力. We have 20 electric charging stations for vehicles on campus.
When the Pritzker Student Center, 韦格尔大厅, 和 Winiarski Halls were built, 它们的雨水和积雪集水系统通向地下蓄水池,这些蓄水池的总存储容量为23,000加仑水. 从这里, 水泵将水抽回到高效的滴灌系统中,为鱼塘山周围的沙漠干旱区提供水源, between the Fine 艺术 Building 和 Levan Hall, between the Fine 艺术 Building 和 Pritzker Student Center, 和 around the Winiarski buildings.
展望未来, 普利兹克学生中心的翻新将增加新的集水机会,这将大大扩大我们的水和雪集水能力,并扩大我们的永续农业实践的范围. Goals also include water catchment 和 reuse for Lowers, the Student Activity Center, 和Meem图书馆.
Dryl和 Permaculture Practices
在全球十大赌博靠谱平台的 College in 圣达菲, we practice dryl和 permaculture, a type of permaculture suited for desert environments. Our permaculture design parameters include the following criteria:
- Conscious Plant Choices利用本地和适应耐旱的物种将使景观即使在高沙漠气候中也能茁壮成长. 适应干旱生态系统的植物物种采用各种措施来保存水分, 因此,提供一个经得起时间考验的更具可持续性和美观的景观.
- 集水: Through passive water harvesting techniques, we will be able to ensure that precipitation does not leave the planting sites, 如果是这样的话, then it is routed or harvested to other useful places. 随着时间的推移,将雨水留在现场将有助于减少对补充灌溉的需求.
- Soil Building Techniques我们将确保立即开始每个新入口的土壤建设过程. The native soils in the high desert are extremely fragile 和 nutrient poor, 和 they do not naturally infiltrate or retain moisture. A plant cannot be healthy without a health soil biology, period. All water 和 nutrients that plants need to survive, yet alone thrive in the desert, 来自于水分和不断释放水溶性营养物质的土壤生物. 土壤不能保持水分和培育生命,除非有有机物质和覆盖物来帮助减轻高温的影响, sun 和 wind evaporation.
- 高效的灌溉所有更新的灌溉系统都将通过滴灌器为新种植的特定物种提供准确比例的水. 每个单独区域的均匀压力分布对于均匀的水分布和发射器的性能至关重要,以便每小时生产单独指定的加仑.
Composting 和 Recycling
Sage 餐厅 is the college’s food service provider. 每一天, 塞奇收集学院的绿色食物垃圾(不含肉类或动物副产品) Reunity资源, a local regenerative community farm 和 soil/compost yard, to compost kitchen waste created during food preparation. As a Reunity 资源 partner, 该学院为一个蓬勃发展的社区非营利组织做出了贡献,为有需要的人提供新鲜农产品, 夏令营, 和 professional training. 目前正在计划通过与学生俱乐部和校园社区的其他成员合作来扩大这一倡议. This program composts many pounds of food waste per year.
On the recycling front, the St. 约翰所在的社区大约回收了25%的非食物垃圾,并努力提高回收率. Recycling bins are in all main buildings on campus. 如果宿舍助理同意负责监督垃圾桶,宿舍有回收箱.
LEED-Certified Buildings
The acronym LEED st和s for 领导 in Energy 和 Environmental Design, 和 it signifies the most widely used 绿色建筑 rating system in the world.
圣达菲校区目前有两座leed认证的建筑:Winiarski是一座白金认证的建筑, which is the highest-level LEED certification that a building can be awarded; Levan Hall is a Gold-certified building, 建筑可以获得的第二高级别LEED认证是哪一种.
可持续性 / Environmentally-Focused Student Clubs
Do you want to help change our planet’s future?
The Greenhouse Club consists of members of the St. 希望从事环保相关活动的约翰学院学生, 政治行动, 和 education on the local ecosystem, the ongoing climate crisis, 和 skills related to gardening. 我们的愿景是在SJC建立一个社区,致力于加强我们与自然世界的联系, highlighting our intricate connections to local flora, 和动物, 和 educating others on the ongoing climate crisis.
Our pillars form the acronym E.N.T.S:
- Exploring the connection between humans 和 nature.
- N通过与当地生态系统的亲密关系,滋养我们的灵魂、身体和思想.
- T互相了解保护本土生物及其在应对气候危机中的重要性.
- Securing a future through the adoption of undisruptive methods of living within, 除…之外, 自然世界.
Our Local Conservation Partners
每年, 圣达菲县的园艺大师带来了他们的本土植物班来研究我们校园里许多成熟的植物标本. Through a grant from 新墨西哥 State University, 这些标本中的许多都有识别标签,与我们校园植物物种自助游的地图相对应. In the future, we may develop it into a digital walking tour.
The college also works with the City of 圣达菲, 圣达菲县, 林业局和志愿者们维护着从我们校园开始的多条小径. These trails are used by more than 100 visitors each day.